I wrote this in 5 minutes so sorry for errors and such. osrs auto click alching ban rate title coming back to osrs want to go from 80-99 magic with auto alchs, gonna be moving my camera every so often maybe like 20 mins auto clicking with random intervals likelyhood of ban i dont wanna risk it if very good chance of ban 2 7 comments Add a Comment OSRSMaxed 2 yr. Be safe with it and you'll have no problems. You more than likely won't be banned for either of these when alching, but in my opinion it's safe to use a bot compared to the monotonous auto-clicker. You can set up intervals but to keep the cursor on that same spot for hours on end? Yeah right. If you use an auto-clicker, you just set it on the Alch spell, and let it click away. A bot will check your stats, open up your combat options, and many other options. To me, you're more safe using a bot client due to the fact that you can set up intervals between clicks and more botting clients have Anti-Ban that helps with things such as alching. However, it's a form of macroing and that is looked upon very negatively. You'll have people tell you that you can get away with auto-clicking and that it's completely safe. 'Am I going to get banned for auto-clicking?' The premier RuneScape bot with tons of scripts including auto fighter, auto clicker, auto miner, cheats, hints, tips, gold and more - for both RuneScape 3. Here is the main question nearly every nooby macroer on Sythe comes here posting about.